Injustice to Dr. Sudhakar

The court refused to accept the Government's Report on Dr. Sudhakar issue and asked CBI to finish the investigation in eight weeks. Civil liberties committe questioned "What happened that day,  has never been witnessed. What kind of attitude, oppressive methods used by the Andhra Pradesh government against professional doctors? They attacked Dr Rao, removed his shirt, tied his hands with rope and along with police forces, they assaulted him. The Union SC/ST Commission also stepped in and making a thorough enquiry about the incident."

The government has suspended Dr. Sudhakar for not having N95 masks during the corona epidemic. He got on the road with alcohol after losing his job. Now he is beaten by the police.

 He was a doctor, an anesthetist who treated everyone. Now the police betaed  him and taken him with lockups. From the moment this incident occurred, we seemed to be human. It seems to be valuable to our education and our culture.

This is the story of Dr. Sudhakar, who works as an anesthisist
Narsipatnam area hospital in Visakhapatnam district. That's what he did. To say that there are no masks. Dr. Sudhakar later clarified this in media interviews.

He appealed to the media he has  not criticized  the Government and just asked for insufficient masks. He said  apologize for his earlier sayings. He came on social media despite reminders to their  bosses. Yet the Government has not shown mercy. He was never recruited again.

The Jagan Government was grudged by his close proximity to the Telugu Desam Party. The Government believed that he contacted the local TDP leader, and  had done all the work at his behest. Now the Government has branded him as Seiko. With such events, the meaning of humanity is lost. Dr Sudhakar was drunk on the road, for which he could be summoned to court, but not to a mental hospital. In the case of dunk and drive, drunkers were not  brought to the psychiatric hospital due to nausea on the roads. The chief superintendent had certified that he was suffering from insanity without following any medical tests proceedures.  

If the Government steps in, a doctor will stand up. Lift the suspension and observe his behavior for months. Hire if his behavior is right. But please don't think Dr. Sudhakar is permanently insane. Do not make an impression as a madman and harm society. History does not condone the people who are responsible for these events, no matter who they are, for their wrong doing. The Doctor Whose  story will be remembered and forgotten a few days later. But the injustice done to Dr. Sudhakar continues to haunt everyone.

